Dorian Gray's Syndrome

This is the story about John Wackham, an 34 year old reporter. He was at home, sitting in front of the TV and watching his own investigation. The phone rang and John picked up the phone.
"Hello, John. Are you watching your own masterpiece?" his boss asked.
"Yes, sir. I didn't knew that this smuggler has so many guns!" John says.
"Well, there's no time to rest. You need to visit this warehouse. There is some kind of boxes and we don't know what the hell is in there!"
"But-" John said.
"No buts! Tomorrow morning!" his boss hung up.
The night passed, but John wasn't sleeping. He was thinking about his love, Lynn. He didn't hear her for a while. Is she trapped? Does she has someone else? These questions were running in the John's head.
The morning ascended. The sun was shining, the birds were singing and the children were playing outside. John jumped in the car and drove away to the warehouse. When he came into the warehouse, he didn't saw nothing. Not even the boxes, only a letter on the floor. John walked to the letter, picked it up and read it. It said:
"Come to the Goldenbird Manor. Don't bring anybody or your dear Lynn will be a precious part of my art collection."
John was shocked. He couldn't believe what he just read! He could barely stand. Thousands of bad thoughts, like flickering lights ran around his head. He must come to that Manor and save his true love or he will suffer the consequences for life!
Two hours later, John finally came to the Goldenbird Manor. The manor wasn't really in a good state. The broken windows, the cracked doors and fallen statues. He knocked on the door and the voice said:
Come on in!
John almost fainted! He thought that the maniac is behind that door. He peeked carefully, but no one wasn't in there.
Come on! Don't be shy. Unless you want that "fiancee" of yours wants to be immortal.
"I will not let you do this! You hear me? You-" John shouted.
ALRIGHT! By the way, I am Oscar. It's nice to see you.
He opened the first door. It was quite a shock what he saw.
There was a young man in a tube, filled with a liquid. He was dressed like Icarus.
Ahhh... My first "art". It wasn't easy to find this... This piece of art. More of them are going away. But I caught this fella in the bar. He was sitting, in a dark shadow, crying of his unfortunate love. I gave him immortality! He should be happy now.
John ran and opened the doors to come in another room.
Where, John? I am Big Brother here. I can see and hear everything.
He picked up the file of the mental hospital. He read that Oscar is actually Dorian Gray, 43 year old man that suffers from depression. He can't get over that he's not young anymore. He is collecting young people to accomplish his art.
"You... Monster!" John realised that he will kill Lynn anytime he wants.
What should I do? I am not getting older. I am young!
John leaves the room. He walked, and walked... Until he reaches the garage. Another dead man in here!
Well, my friend, this was my personal mechanic. Handsome like me! Until he betrayed me with my OWN girlfriend. Then I gave him a looong life.
"Why don't you become immortal?" John asks Oscar.
It's not the right time. I have to do more and more art. Art is love, art is life. Houdini was making art, Michelangelo, Da Vinci... So I became an master, too!
John went from one room, to other. That maniac is killing people! I will stop him once for all! John think.
He found another dead person in the hothouse. It was a female in a flower. It looked like she will open her eyes any second.
That is my girlfriend, Linda. I was outraged when she was kissing with that dirty mechanic.
John ran and ran, in a constant fear of being killed. He knew that Oscar watched his every move. He bumped to a locked door. It needed a special key, a plate.
Okay, okay. Here is your reward. This was a psychological thriller for you, don't you think?
A sun-like plate fell from the ceiling. He crawled to plate, took it and pushed to the doors. He stood, and walked to the hallway.
"Hello, John. Come here. You wanted to kill me? Fine!" Oscar shouted.
John, filled with blind rage ran to Oscar. Suddenly, he fell into the dark hole and fainted.
"Good morning, sunshine! Prepare to be immortal!" Oscar pulled a handle. The liquid started to fill the tube.
"Well, while this liquid is filling that tube, we'll have a little talk. You and Lynn are going to be the best art ever."
He pointed at unconscious body of his fioncee. She was lying there, dead.
"Oh, don't worry. You'll reunion with her at some moment. I think there's more liquid." Oscar was looking in a hole.
Suddenly, Lynn stood up and grabbed the pipe, then hit Oscar so hard that he fell into the giant hole.
"We'll set you free, my love" Lynn said and punched the buttons. Liquid splatted, and John fell, lying unconscious...
John and Lynn are sitting on the couch, watching TV.
"The police took the several bodies of a missing victims. All of them are stored in tubes and a deadly liquid was sealing them, leaving them with no air. The maniac is stopped, but unfortunately, his body has never found." said Police Officer Mallard.
"Do you think that maniac is going to revenge, on us?" asked Lynn.
"Maybe he drown by that liquid river he stocked up." said John. "But I'm glad it's over."
"Me too."